Tuesday, July 27, 2010

NBPP: Dont Get Scared Now!!!!!!!

Im sure everybody seen the NBP videos and ptobaly has an opinion. My opinion is, they dont scare me!!!! Maybe because im black and from the ghetto seeing 2 black men is normal. Now im hearing conservatives call for a prosecution of the NBP, they say AG Holder dropped the 1st investigation because they were black. Lets get some facts out, the DOJ along with local authorities never got a complaint of voter intimidation. The only thing they did get was a copy of the video which played heavily on Fox News and other conservative media outlets and reported as voter intimidation.

So what was suppose to happen? Chris Matthews and Michael Smerkonish both admitted that the men were intimidating and they wouldnt have voted there. They even made comparisons to the KKK being outside of a voting station. 1st of all these were 2 black men in a black neighborhood, as a matter of fact they were in the projects! A white conservative with a camera that came from who knows started asking them questions, the camera guy asked his friend if he had his back. Its almost like the camera guy expected something to happen or else why would he have his camera. Thats PREJUDICE!!!!!

After a few questions and no violence the camera guy decided to call the cops and Fox News. Why? Nobody threatened him, the NBP didnt threaten anybody. In fact people were going about their business voting and going where they please. So why were 2 white men in the projects at a voting station they dont vote at? If they heard about 2 menacing black men intimidating people why not call the cops before confronting them?

This was an attempt at Breitbart style journalism, create smoke without fire. Fox News led off with this story and made every attempt to link the NBP to the President. Conservatives want white people to be afraid of black people, they want them to believe that civil rights and affirmative action is what got President Obama in the White House and now he wants to push a black agenda. So I ask, what could we gain by having whites scared of us? Duz the election of a black President remind the racist and scared that this is our country to?

I think thats whats bothering conservatives, they feel like minorities will becom the majority and change American traditions. The America they grew up in wont be available for their children. What duz that mean? Are they sayin minorities only have because they go without? Is this why the fear and white resentment is so high? Or is this a stunt gone bad by conservatives? Why is it always a conservative camera where ever the NBP goes?

Learning To Speak Palinese

You Betcha: I dont really agree with you but things are going so good why ruin the moment.

Freedom Lovin Americans: Anybody that supports the Palin Brand and buys more than one book.

Hockeymom: Far right conservative stay home mother.

Joe 6 Pack: Unemployed conservative man.

Drill Baby Drill: Sounds good in a crowd, awsome applause line.

Lame Stream Media: To ask follow up questions, to questions ones knowledge of current affairs.

Pals Around With Terrorists: Not only is he black, hes smart. We cant beat him.

Main Street USA: It ends sentences really good, thinking is for smart people.

Death Panel: Attention grabber, 1000 new FB friends. I cant believe my followers can read.

Tea Party: Money, Suckerz, a good hustle.

Fox News: Pasty old men think im hot, short skirts and high heels.

Obama: Disease, thug, hoodlum, an angry blackman we should fear.

Chicago Style Politics: All black people look alike.

Momma Grizzly: A conservative woman dumb enuff to follow me, I quit my job to hustle them.

Ricky Hollywood: I cant believe he got my daughter pregnant, Im way hotter than her.

Not Ruling anything out: I will never run for President, besides im having a helluva ride milking teabaggerz. I never wanted the responsibility of running this country. Obama will win again because the GOP is an open wound, ill milk this cash cow atleast until 16.

Values: If it dont make dollarz it dont make cents. Ill hustle where ever the money is, im willing to pander and cater to any audience that cuts a check.

10 Steps To Being A Teabagger

  1. Hush Hush- Never talk about teabaggin.

  2. Learn Talking Points- "Less govt, more freedom" "Taxed enuff already" "Socialism" "Obamacare" "Hitler" ect.

  3. Media Coverage- Always say " Im not a racist, I was taken out of context" Then deny any further media coverage.

  4. Info- Fox News is the only reliable source, conservative media must be followed and believed.

  5. Agenda- Racial fear, hate, intimidation, and secsession. 2nd amendment action if necessary to complete the agenda.

  6. Politics- When people disagree with or question the agenda, demonize and purge them from the party.

  7. White resentment- Civil rights and affirmative action means a violation of your rights.

  8. Be the victim while launching a full scale assault- Call them racist before they exspose you, that gives you time to dig up phony racism if none exists.

  9. Aim- Support Sarah Palin no matter what, shes the only hope to stop the Obama agenda.

  10. Target- Barack Obama, we never will respect nor acknowledge his presidency. A black man in the White House goes against tradition and the America we grew up in. We must destroy the Obama agenda even if it means destroying the country!

Monday, July 26, 2010

This Aint Your Daughters Tea Party

Teabaggerz would have you believe theyre for less taxes, they disagree with the current admins policies. If that was the case why do they harbor racist, birthers, secsessionists, anti govt militias, and religious nutz? Since President Obama took office its been one charge after the next, this so called grassrootz organization is full of wealthy well educated idiots pissed off because the Bush tax cuts will be ending.

Teabaggerz show up to their rallyz with disrespectful and racist signs, from the leadership on down its a racist and racial fear promoting organization. Last school year the President was set to deliver a speech to Americas students and the teabaggerz lost their minds. They actually believd the President wanted to indoctrinate the kids and build a secret civilian army to do his bidding. Where do they get this crap stew from?

Teabaggerz say the President wants revenge for slavery by enslaving white people, hes been compared to Hitler , and all sorts of crazy claims. Teabaggerz piled on DC for the Beck 9/12 rally, where more racist rhetoric was on display. Teabagger leader Mark Williams led the charge with his "Obama is an Indonesian welfare thug" and "racist in cheif" teabaggerz had no problem with that. It was as they call it a policy disagreement.

Months and months of the anti Obama and anti Govt rhetoric the NAACP said enuff is enuff and called the teabaggerz out for their racist elements in their party. Instead of teabaggerz condemning their racist ties they went on the attack, with the help of Andrew Breitbart and Fox News they launched a reverse racism campaign targeting anybody they considered a black racist. I call it white resentment, they had stock footage of NBP racist calling for the "death of cracker babies" which turned out not to be a movement speaking for black people but 3 idiots spewing hate. Then they attacked the Naacp and it was all down hill from there.

Teabaggerz were searching for a case of reverse racism not to call it out but to justify their racism and hatred. They pushed the Shirley Sherrod video and had alot of people believing the woman was a racist, but Fux nor Breitbart show the full video. It turned out she wasnt a racist, she was the complete opposite. But before anything was proven MSM, NAACP, and the WH overreacted and it cost her her career. People like Breitbart are looked at as heros amongst teabaggerz, theyre still yet to prove reverse racism but it duznt matter, they got a black woman fired.

It was only after the NAACP called them out that they decided to part ways with Mark Williams and put a black face on the teabaggerz like thats says heres evidence , we cant be racist. So why the need to find racism on the black side of society? Do black teabaggerz destroy the charges of racism? Are the teabaggerz embarassed that NAACP called them out? They claim its no leader at the tea party, well who has the authority to boot Williams and promote black teabaggerz? My opinion anybody affiliated with the teabaggerz are self hating racist and cant be a friend of mines!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sarah Palin: Gettin Rich Off Being Stupid

Some conservatives believe Sarah Palin would make a strong candidate for President in 12. I think those people are plain ole nutz!!!! Palin quit her job as Alaska Governor to pursue fame and fortune with the rightwing hate machine. So I ask, why duz Palin deserve your vote? What policies has she put forth that says im serious about running this country?

The only thing Palin has dun is hustle the Teabaggerz, giving them false hope of a Presidential run. Shes not a dummy, she just plays one on TV!!!!! My take on Palin is she thinks "Joe 6 Pax" and "Hockey Momz" are the inbred idiots of society willing to put racial fears and prejudice before their voting interest. Palin believes that bumpersticker slogans and catch phrases is the only way she can communicate the Hillbillyz and Gooberz in the Heartland.

Sarah Palin hasnt introduced anything of substance to the political debate, she spews about President Obama not viewing America the we her and her so called "Freedom Loving Americans " do. She says" he pals around with terrorist " to stoke the fires of fear. At no time has she once stood up and said the birthers dont represent her America. Palin haznt said anything about who or what she is, all you can get out of her is the same ole failed catch phrases from the campaign. "Freedom Loving Americans" " Reform" "Reigning in spending" "Small govt" "Ronald Reagan" "You Betcha" she speaks in phrases!!!!!

Palin has become the face of the conservative movement via Facebook and Twitter, her followers never question her judgement. She only appears on rightwing media outlets afraid of challenging her stupidity. She blames the MSM for all her gaffes and nobody ever checks Palin for her hypocrisy nor her willingness to play the victim after one of her conservative assaults. She just dumbs it down and says she speaking for Main Street USA, if she speaks for Main Street USA why did she quit public duty?

During the campaign Palin recognized where the money was, now she has books, ads, news show appearances, and TV shows. I get it Palin, its all about the Benjamins!!!!! But to your followers you represent much more than making money, what happens when you try to run in 12 and people realize you havnt learned anything in 4 yrs? What happens when people see you for the fraud you are? How long can Palin keep up the charade? No hustle lasts forever, so whats her next move when she cant define her policies and conservatives can no longer look the other way on her stupidity?

Friday, July 23, 2010

The Rightwing Hate Machine

It seems to me that Fox News and rightwing bloggers running the same plays. Fear and intimidation is the only thing they have to offer. People like Palin, Beck, and Limbaugh nave elected officials afraid not of voters, but them. Any conservative seen agreeing with or supporting the President get purged. So I ask, what is the conservative agenda?

The conservative agenda is sabotage, racial fear and hate for the President. Notice the onesided coverage, notice the demonization of his every idea. Notic the lies and distortions in their coverage, then you start to notice the willingness to mislead people into thinking the President is a dangerous foreign entity. I call that racial fear, Fox News call it fair and balanced.

Rightwing bloggers and media figures dont speak of the Presidents accomplishments, they talk about birth certificates, socialism, nazism, indoctrination, the lost of America, secsession, reverse racism, treason, ect. ..... Whats the motivation behind this? Why the need to disrespect , destroy, and assume the worst from this President? If its his policy i dont remember indoctrination being apart of his policy. So I call it like I see it, its white resentment.

Thats what motivates the Breibarts, Becks, Limbaughs, and Hannitys of the world. These people all feast on hate and racial fear, then when confronted they spin it around with claims of reverse racism. They wanna justify their hate by making up and promoting false stories of reverse racism. They believe the only way minorities can get ahead is by taking opportunity away from a white person. Thats a great political strategy when dealing with a black President, its also a way to make people enraged.

So besides money, what duz the rightwing hate machine have to gain? If violence errupts due to the hate they spew, whoz blood will stain the streets and whoz ratings is gonna skyrocket? Do conservatives believe Glen Beck and Sarah Palin will be on the frontlines of a race war? Will Rush Limbaugh and Michelle Malkin come and defend you family? The answer is no, theyll be reporting from the safety of a news studio marveling at their creation. The Rightwing Hate Machine operates with no concious, no consideration, and no regard for the bodycount they rack up.