Thursday, April 28, 2011

Reality TV Generation.....

It seems now a days that everything is caught on camera and mostly anybody can garner 15 mins of fame for doing nothing..... I think thats whats effecting society and giving people a sense of entitlement with out putting in the proper work..... Nobody believes in hard work or waiting.... We have a microwave mentality and the children of the world today inherited the video game and cable tv and took it up a notch and now have the internet.....

Its rare that anybody works hard and gets the just do they deserve but it sure seems if you make a sex tape you can become an instant star...... With the American Idols, the Bachelor, Housewives ect ect ect.... People are sold a dream and believe everything happens over night with little work..... People see a successful person and all they say is the results..... They see a man driving a nice car and think they deserve a nice car.... They never think about the hard work that goes into getting that nice car......

I truly believe the days of good ole fashion hard work is over..... Anybody can become a big deal by acting a fool at the right time..... You can start a rap career just by shooting somebody or getting shot..... Or better yet acting like your something youre not.... Sex is being sold as a key to success to children, parents arent at home so home cooked meals and family discussions dont take place as much and that only leaves the world wide media propaganda machine to raise our children..... Oversexed Reality stars, doped up sports heros, dirty politics, music videos, and computers......

No home cooked meals, no supervision, just the comfort of instant gratification...... The need to pull off the next prank to get Youtube hits...... The need to bully and intimidate via social networking and school...... The need to have sex to feel accepted or be more like the stars of today..... The need to not do anything productive because they live in a world where Lindsay Lohan can do what she wants because shes a celebrity...... A world where Charlie Sheen can abuse drugs and women and sellout Broadway shows...... A world where Donald Trump can get on the news for asking to see the Presidents papers.....

This is the reality TV Generation...... One of these kids will be the President one day..... World News will be replaced by entertainment news...... Drug abuse and cheating in sports will be the norm.... Education will be replaced by false confidence and ego..... Knowing nothing will be the new genius...... Marriage and family will be a myth and society will go from the big eat the little to.... The dumb eat the stupid..... So what can we do to change the future before its too late????? Are the days of working, studying, and playing hard over????? Are we entering an era of dumbed down politics and lazy society waiting on their 15 mins of fame??????

Yeah.... I think birthers are racists.....

I can only call it like I see it..... For 3 yrs the birther nutjobz have been asking and demanding to see President Obamas BC...... This all started during the campaign when he was running for President..... I knew like most of you what the implication was from the start...... People hid behind all the talk about HCR and his other policies to mask their blatant racism and hatred of the 1st black President.....

From media figures to elected officials have played up the birther madness..... But when it started spilling over into reality tv and other entertainers you know its becoming a problem.... I hate when turdz say "If we disagree you call us racists" but how can you disagree with the facts..... Facts just dont matter to conservaturdz...... They make up the rules as they go and hide behind the constitution and interpret it to fit their political agenda....

But I know different..... These are the very people that were never gonna vote for him anyway.... They say to me... "You only voted for Obama because hes black" That only tells me they didnt vote for him simply because hes black..... Its called projection.... The GOP and rightwing are known projectors.... Like when the NAACP called out the teabaggerz for racism.... They scrambled around trying to find reverse racism and riling up white resentment and white self pity.....

Its all been one phony cry after another...... How else did the PRESIDENT get sworn in if he is illegitimate????? If the BC was invalid then thats shame on the US govt and the whole vetting process..... Thats a stretch..... All of those agencies didnt just miss that..... Birthers are the most racist people in America..... The true colors are shinning through and everybody sees you..... Not all of them knew they were racist.... Most of them just found that out.....

The birthers are basically a stupid version of stupid people...... They have a problem with skin color.... They feel like its noway some black man can run this country and they still view themselves as above black people.... The black birthers are hustlers playing up to the cool kids until they get booted out of the club.... (Michael Steele) .... The President showed his long form BC yesterday and now the very people calling for his BC still dont believe and the same politicians are playing it down like yeah sure..........

Donny Chump, Orally Taintz, Sarah Palin, and many many others have nothing to say....... They dont have to say it..... We know.... You assholes are racist scum and you feed your following all the fear and hate you can muster simply as a hustle..... But the following that you feed are still hungry..... The BC wuznt enough so now its time for the next conspiracy..... So I ask whats next???? They already dont think hes smart enough to get into schools..... Do they wanna see his marriage certificate???? I know.... They wanna see Bobo the dogs shot records???? How about is he really the Father of his 2 beautiful daughters?????

Birthers have no reasoning and no justification..... They have no facts to stand on..... All they have is blind hate and racism which fuels all their conspiracies and racist bullshit..... They figure they can scare white people into voting against their best interests.... They figure if they create a mythical creature that can be easily dehumanized because of the color of his skin..... "I want my Country back" Who took it????? We are all Americans and should always respect the office of President..... But the rules changed when a black man got in...... All bets are off..... Just when we thought this country was moving forward...... The racists come from behind the trees and from under rocks......

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


The GOP wants you to believe the free market and private sector has all the answers..... You need to ask yourself if the Free market had the answers why is it when they get in trouble and have an accident they turn to the govt they keep telling to stay out..... Their plan is to take away all govt programs and all public services and leave it in the hands of the private sector that has failed this country time and again....

The plan starts with union busting which plays into outsourcing and cheap labor..... The GOP believes that by outsourcing jobs the American people will blame the unions..... Therefore making it easier for them to sale their plans of union busting....... By busting the unions it puts us on a faster path to privatization..... They wanna cut out workers rights because big bizz is addicted to cheap labor....

Notice how the GOP demonizes the unions for sticking up for workers..... They wanna eliminate the minimum wage and not pay health care to the workers.... They wanna take away child labor laws and at the same time end the DOE..... Its already no jobs and we dont build anything..... Besides Prisons which we spend 70 billion on a year..... Maybe thats why conservaturdz are prolife and mainly directing their prolife efforts at minorities....

They are targeting womens health issues simply because of the market..... They no women spend far more money on health care than men and its a profitable venture they want in on...... They see women as breeders for their prime investment which is private owned prisons..... Privatization means pay for everything which cuts out the poor..... If we cant get education, if we cant get employment, all we can do is have sex........ Breed and over populate society with uneducated and unproductive people..... That can only lead to one thing..... Mass incarceration.....

Can you imagine life without being able to retire without the proper care???? Getting raped or robbed and not being able to call the cops????? Not being able to rely on Public education but still having to work????? Calling the EMS and not being able to get service because as a private owned business they can deny service to who ever they feel..... Imagine your house burning down and the fire engine never shows because you didn pay for or cant afford fire services????? Price health care out of range for women and the elderly while the rich gets richer and the poor dies off..... I advise everybody to get out to vote..... The GOP has plans to do away with services we depend on and only the votes can change it...... VOTE OR DIE.....

Donny Chump...... Birther????

Donny Chump likes running his mouth and talking a lot of trash...... Hes kind of like a Pro wrestling villain the way he talks and postures for the cameras..... Trump has an in your face style that attracts conservaturdz..... They think talking birther talk and undermining the President makes him appear tough...... I say hes just full of shit and only trying to hustle.....

So whats Donny Chumps angle????? He has no interest in running for President..... I think hes been watching Palin and sees how much pub he can get by being a moron..... Sure Chump can go around talking about making China do what he wants..... He can talk about going to the middle east and taking all the oil..... But the reality of being President is much more than sounding like an over hyped steroid popping thug......

I ask...... What if this is all a front by Chump to expose GOP stupidity???? Chump has even gone so far that hes now saying the President faked his college years and maybe he isnt as smart as he thinks...... If you look at Chumps Numbers youd see his popularity sky rocketing with conservaturdz simply because hes talking birther non sense..... Due to his past liberal stances on abortion and other social issues it seems that Chump is putting on......

But if Chump is serious everybody should be concerned.... It should worry Americans that a man can gain traction by race baiting and not being called on it...... Its time for the media to tell Chump to shit or get off the pot...... Chump duznt look tough or bold.... He looks like a damn fool and its time the MSM called him on it...... I think Chump is playing up the stupid role to make the other turd candidates seem acceptable simply because they denounce the birthers.....

So knowing what we know about the GOP and how far right theyve moved...... There are no moderates left in the GOP...... Just teabaggerz and conservaturdz all under the same agenda..... No matter how many denounce the birthers theyre still union busting, anti choice, tax cuts for the rich , and pro privatization and letting Chump steer people towards them with his non sense would be a big mistake.......