From media figures to elected officials have played up the birther madness..... But when it started spilling over into reality tv and other entertainers you know its becoming a problem.... I hate when turdz say "If we disagree you call us racists" but how can you disagree with the facts..... Facts just dont matter to conservaturdz...... They make up the rules as they go and hide behind the constitution and interpret it to fit their political agenda....
But I know different..... These are the very people that were never gonna vote for him anyway.... They say to me... "You only voted for Obama because hes black" That only tells me they didnt vote for him simply because hes black..... Its called projection.... The GOP and rightwing are known projectors.... Like when the NAACP called out the teabaggerz for racism.... They scrambled around trying to find reverse racism and riling up white resentment and white self pity.....
Its all been one phony cry after another...... How else did the PRESIDENT get sworn in if he is illegitimate????? If the BC was invalid then thats shame on the US govt and the whole vetting process..... Thats a stretch..... All of those agencies didnt just miss that..... Birthers are the most racist people in America..... The true colors are shinning through and everybody sees you..... Not all of them knew they were racist.... Most of them just found that out.....
The birthers are basically a stupid version of stupid people...... They have a problem with skin color.... They feel like its noway some black man can run this country and they still view themselves as above black people.... The black birthers are hustlers playing up to the cool kids until they get booted out of the club.... (Michael Steele) .... The President showed his long form BC yesterday and now the very people calling for his BC still dont believe and the same politicians are playing it down like yeah sure..........
Donny Chump, Orally Taintz, Sarah Palin, and many many others have nothing to say....... They dont have to say it..... We know.... You assholes are racist scum and you feed your following all the fear and hate you can muster simply as a hustle..... But the following that you feed are still hungry..... The BC wuznt enough so now its time for the next conspiracy..... So I ask whats next???? They already dont think hes smart enough to get into schools..... Do they wanna see his marriage certificate???? I know.... They wanna see Bobo the dogs shot records???? How about is he really the Father of his 2 beautiful daughters?????
Birthers have no reasoning and no justification..... They have no facts to stand on..... All they have is blind hate and racism which fuels all their conspiracies and racist bullshit..... They figure they can scare white people into voting against their best interests.... They figure if they create a mythical creature that can be easily dehumanized because of the color of his skin..... "I want my Country back" Who took it????? We are all Americans and should always respect the office of President..... But the rules changed when a black man got in...... All bets are off..... Just when we thought this country was moving forward...... The racists come from behind the trees and from under rocks......
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