So whats Donny Chumps angle????? He has no interest in running for President..... I think hes been watching Palin and sees how much pub he can get by being a moron..... Sure Chump can go around talking about making China do what he wants..... He can talk about going to the middle east and taking all the oil..... But the reality of being President is much more than sounding like an over hyped steroid popping thug......
I ask...... What if this is all a front by Chump to expose GOP stupidity???? Chump has even gone so far that hes now saying the President faked his college years and maybe he isnt as smart as he thinks...... If you look at Chumps Numbers youd see his popularity sky rocketing with conservaturdz simply because hes talking birther non sense..... Due to his past liberal stances on abortion and other social issues it seems that Chump is putting on......
But if Chump is serious everybody should be concerned.... It should worry Americans that a man can gain traction by race baiting and not being called on it...... Its time for the media to tell Chump to shit or get off the pot...... Chump duznt look tough or bold.... He looks like a damn fool and its time the MSM called him on it...... I think Chump is playing up the stupid role to make the other turd candidates seem acceptable simply because they denounce the birthers.....
So knowing what we know about the GOP and how far right theyve moved...... There are no moderates left in the GOP...... Just teabaggerz and conservaturdz all under the same agenda..... No matter how many denounce the birthers theyre still union busting, anti choice, tax cuts for the rich , and pro privatization and letting Chump steer people towards them with his non sense would be a big mistake.......
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