It seems to me that Fox News and rightwing bloggers running the same plays. Fear and intimidation is the only thing they have to offer. People like Palin, Beck, and Limbaugh nave elected officials afraid not of voters, but them. Any conservative seen agreeing with or supporting the President get purged. So I ask, what is the conservative agenda?
The conservative agenda is sabotage, racial fear and hate for the President. Notice the onesided coverage, notice the demonization of his every idea. Notic the lies and distortions in their coverage, then you start to notice the willingness to mislead people into thinking the President is a dangerous foreign entity. I call that racial fear, Fox News call it fair and balanced.
Rightwing bloggers and media figures dont speak of the Presidents accomplishments, they talk about birth certificates, socialism, nazism, indoctrination, the lost of America, secsession, reverse racism, treason, ect. ..... Whats the motivation behind this? Why the need to disrespect , destroy, and assume the worst from this President? If its his policy i dont remember indoctrination being apart of his policy. So I call it like I see it, its white resentment.
Thats what motivates the Breibarts, Becks, Limbaughs, and Hannitys of the world. These people all feast on hate and racial fear, then when confronted they spin it around with claims of reverse racism. They wanna justify their hate by making up and promoting false stories of reverse racism. They believe the only way minorities can get ahead is by taking opportunity away from a white person. Thats a great political strategy when dealing with a black President, its also a way to make people enraged.
So besides money, what duz the rightwing hate machine have to gain? If violence errupts due to the hate they spew, whoz blood will stain the streets and whoz ratings is gonna skyrocket? Do conservatives believe Glen Beck and Sarah Palin will be on the frontlines of a race war? Will Rush Limbaugh and Michelle Malkin come and defend you family? The answer is no, theyll be reporting from the safety of a news studio marveling at their creation. The Rightwing Hate Machine operates with no concious, no consideration, and no regard for the bodycount they rack up.
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