Teabaggerz would have you believe theyre for less taxes, they disagree with the current admins policies. If that was the case why do they harbor racist, birthers, secsessionists, anti govt militias, and religious nutz? Since President Obama took office its been one charge after the next, this so called grassrootz organization is full of wealthy well educated idiots pissed off because the Bush tax cuts will be ending.
Teabaggerz show up to their rallyz with disrespectful and racist signs, from the leadership on down its a racist and racial fear promoting organization. Last school year the President was set to deliver a speech to Americas students and the teabaggerz lost their minds. They actually believd the President wanted to indoctrinate the kids and build a secret civilian army to do his bidding. Where do they get this crap stew from?
Teabaggerz say the President wants revenge for slavery by enslaving white people, hes been compared to Hitler , and all sorts of crazy claims. Teabaggerz piled on DC for the Beck 9/12 rally, where more racist rhetoric was on display. Teabagger leader Mark Williams led the charge with his "Obama is an Indonesian welfare thug" and "racist in cheif" teabaggerz had no problem with that. It was as they call it a policy disagreement.
Months and months of the anti Obama and anti Govt rhetoric the NAACP said enuff is enuff and called the teabaggerz out for their racist elements in their party. Instead of teabaggerz condemning their racist ties they went on the attack, with the help of Andrew Breitbart and Fox News they launched a reverse racism campaign targeting anybody they considered a black racist. I call it white resentment, they had stock footage of NBP racist calling for the "death of cracker babies" which turned out not to be a movement speaking for black people but 3 idiots spewing hate. Then they attacked the Naacp and it was all down hill from there.
Teabaggerz were searching for a case of reverse racism not to call it out but to justify their racism and hatred. They pushed the Shirley Sherrod video and had alot of people believing the woman was a racist, but Fux nor Breitbart show the full video. It turned out she wasnt a racist, she was the complete opposite. But before anything was proven MSM, NAACP, and the WH overreacted and it cost her her career. People like Breitbart are looked at as heros amongst teabaggerz, theyre still yet to prove reverse racism but it duznt matter, they got a black woman fired.
It was only after the NAACP called them out that they decided to part ways with Mark Williams and put a black face on the teabaggerz like thats says heres evidence , we cant be racist. So why the need to find racism on the black side of society? Do black teabaggerz destroy the charges of racism? Are the teabaggerz embarassed that NAACP called them out? They claim its no leader at the tea party, well who has the authority to boot Williams and promote black teabaggerz? My opinion anybody affiliated with the teabaggerz are self hating racist and cant be a friend of mines!!!!!!!
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