Some conservatives believe Sarah Palin would make a strong candidate for President in 12. I think those people are plain ole nutz!!!! Palin quit her job as Alaska Governor to pursue fame and fortune with the rightwing hate machine. So I ask, why duz Palin deserve your vote? What policies has she put forth that says im serious about running this country?
The only thing Palin has dun is hustle the Teabaggerz, giving them false hope of a Presidential run. Shes not a dummy, she just plays one on TV!!!!! My take on Palin is she thinks "Joe 6 Pax" and "Hockey Momz" are the inbred idiots of society willing to put racial fears and prejudice before their voting interest. Palin believes that bumpersticker slogans and catch phrases is the only way she can communicate the Hillbillyz and Gooberz in the Heartland.
Sarah Palin hasnt introduced anything of substance to the political debate, she spews about President Obama not viewing America the we her and her so called "Freedom Loving Americans " do. She says" he pals around with terrorist " to stoke the fires of fear. At no time has she once stood up and said the birthers dont represent her America. Palin haznt said anything about who or what she is, all you can get out of her is the same ole failed catch phrases from the campaign. "Freedom Loving Americans" " Reform" "Reigning in spending" "Small govt" "Ronald Reagan" "You Betcha" she speaks in phrases!!!!!
Palin has become the face of the conservative movement via Facebook and Twitter, her followers never question her judgement. She only appears on rightwing media outlets afraid of challenging her stupidity. She blames the MSM for all her gaffes and nobody ever checks Palin for her hypocrisy nor her willingness to play the victim after one of her conservative assaults. She just dumbs it down and says she speaking for Main Street USA, if she speaks for Main Street USA why did she quit public duty?
During the campaign Palin recognized where the money was, now she has books, ads, news show appearances, and TV shows. I get it Palin, its all about the Benjamins!!!!! But to your followers you represent much more than making money, what happens when you try to run in 12 and people realize you havnt learned anything in 4 yrs? What happens when people see you for the fraud you are? How long can Palin keep up the charade? No hustle lasts forever, so whats her next move when she cant define her policies and conservatives can no longer look the other way on her stupidity?
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